Sunday, February 12, 2012

There Lies Her, My Beloved.

The only flower I ever saw-

-It was orange, and it snapped

When I tried to smell.

I thought of you,

At the fair, pulling your skirt

Down against my fingers.

I would never wander again.

Just as the flower,

I saw you and then never did-

-Though my fingertips still reach.

The Definition Of Compassion

There was water for everyone,

But the old man was a hog;

Yet the children let him carry on.

When I tried to stop him

They held me back;

Let the old man stay there, drink his share.

When I asked them why they let him binge

All the children stared and smiled at him.

“Because we have our whole lives to live,

But this water to him, is all there is.”

When I Am Still Awake

After a night filled with whiskey, brick and cold-

The roof made a hiding spot, a ladder paved in gold.

No one touched me, the spirit stared;

The cement lined walkway dragged me there.

I lied.

My beloved ones believed;

And my make believe life – for its death I grieved.

But there was the sun; a comfort and a creep,

It knows me too well,

When I greet it, it weeps.